TSRI Short Course

會議時間/地點: 7/30(二) 19:00-21:00,台中福容大飯店 薔薇廳

時間 內容
19:00~19:40 FinFET 製程服務簡介與7nm製程設計平台
講師: 曾聖翔/沙主榮
19:40~19:55 Q&A 摸彩活動
19:55~20:35 異質整合封裝平台技術
講師: 廖信豪 HsinHao Liao
20:35~20:50 說明會:工研院分享
  • FRAM製程服務簡介與設計Guideline
  • 晶片異質整合先進封裝共乘服務簡介
20:50~21:00 Q&A 摸彩活動

FinFET 製程服務簡介與 7nm 製程設計平台 (上半場)

  • 曾聖翔組長
    • Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute(TSRI)

  • 日期:2024年7月30日(二)
  • 時間:19:00 - 19:40
  • 地點:台中福容大飯店 薔薇廳


Sheng-Hsiang Tseng received his Ph.D. in electronics engineering from National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 2012. He joined the National Chip Implementation Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 2002. He is currently a Research Fellow and also serves as the Director of the Chip Implementation Service Division at the Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (TSRI), Hsinchu, Taiwan. His research interests include CMOS-based MEMS ICs, microsystem technologies, RF MEMS, heterogeneous chip integration, and packaging technologies. He has been recognized with multiple Awards for Outstanding Contributions in Science and Technology from the National Applied Research Laboratories (NARLabs). Dr. Tseng was the recipient of Young Engineer Award from the Taiwan Nanotechnology and Micro System Association in 2022. He has served in the Technical Committee of Sensors, MEMs, and Bioelectronics (SMB) of IEEE IEDM from 2021 to 2022.

FinFET 製程服務簡介與 7nm 製程設計平台 (下半場)

  • 沙主榮副研究員
    • Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute(TSRI)

  • 日期:2024年7月30日(二)
  • 時間:19:00 - 19:40
  • 地點:台中福容大飯店 薔薇廳






  • 廖信豪 HsinHao Liao
    • Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute(TSRI)

  • 日期:2024年7月30日(二)
  • 時間:20:00 - 20:40
  • 地點:台中福容大飯店 薔薇廳


異質整合封裝,將不同半導體製程與功能性晶片集結在一起,提高元件密度、整合更多功能性、實現尺寸微縮,並降低整體成本。本課程將介紹異質整合封裝及業界先進製程技術,並介紹本中心開發,可提供晶粒(Die)層級異質整合下線服務之技術平台 (CoCoP),可提供學研晶片系統雛型驗證目標使用。

Work Experience
  • Process Integration, TSMC (2000 - 2008)
  • Associate Researcher, CIC (2008 - 2018)
  • Supplier Quality Engineer, ams-OSRAM (2018-2022)
  • Associate Engineer, TSRI (2022 - Present)
Research Focus and Publications
Heterogeneous Integration, CMOS MEMS & BioMEMS, CMOS/GaAs Process Integration, 25+ papers and patents